10 Tips for a Healthy Diet to Keep Your Body Fit

A healthy, fit and slim body is not due to a fortune or descent, but because of a healthy lifestyle. One of the factors that support a healthy lifestyle is a healthy diet.

Yes, food is the main support of a healthy lifestyle. A healthy diet not only makes the body fit but can also lose weight without the need for a strict diet. So what is a healthy diet? Here are the steps.

1. Eat the same food every day

To get a fit body, experts advise us to eat similar foods every day, be it breakfast, lunch, dinner, to snacks. Similar foods here do not mean the same food because of course you will get bored quickly.

For example, if you eat breakfast today you eat eggs, then tomorrow the bread, and the day after the wheat, then for the following days you have to eat three healthy food menus again. This also applies to snacks or snacks that you eat everyday.

By eating similar foods every day, the body will be able to adjust it quickly. You also do not need to bother choosing food for a diet if indeed food that is often eaten has sufficient nutritional needs and calories.

2. Breakfast

Many people skip breakfast because they want to lose weight. Though breakfast actually becomes one of the healthy diet because it can reduce and maintain an ideal body weight. A healthy breakfast will reduce excessive hunger during the day to night.

Quoted from womenshealthmag.com, the researchers stated that people who do not eat breakfast tend to eat more lunch than people who eat breakfast. In addition, breakfast will also provide vitamins and minerals that the body needs to carry out daily activities.

3. Drinking Water

Drinking enough water is the most vital element to keep the body healthy and fit. Adults are recommended to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. Do not drink soft drinks because it will only give bad effects to the body. Do not also drink tea water after eating because it will reduce nutrient absorption in food.

4. Eat Fruit and Vegetables First

For most Indonesians, fruit is considered a dessert so it is eaten after eating rice or main food. This is a big mistake because the fruit should be eaten at least half an hour before eating. Because when eaten together with the main food, the body will not be able to maximally absorb vitamins from the fruit.

The same thing applies to vegetables that have lots of fiber that are good for the body. Eating fruit and vegetables before the main meal will also indirectly make the stomach full so that we will not eat a lot of rice or other carbohydrates in the main food.

5. Eat 6 times a day

Maybe you will frown after reading the sentence above. Yes, then more than 3 times a day is much better for the body. The reason is, when we do not eat more than 3 hours, cortisol levels in the body will increase. When cortisol levels are high, the body will store fat in the stomach area instead of burning it.

Therefore, eating every 3 hours will reduce cortisol levels in the body. But we have to eat only a small portion and do not get satiated. Because when we feel satiated, the body will respond to it as excess food and will store it as fat.

In a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, people who ate small portions 6 times a day compared with people who ate large portions 3 times a day. The result after two weeks the group with a small portion experienced a decrease in cortisol levels by 17 percent and also a reduction in fat in the stomach.

6. Reduce Nutrition Low Foods

Eating a variety of snacks such as fried foods or snacks is fun, but it is not good if eaten excessively. Therefore, reduce the consumption of various foods labeled 'junk food' and start consuming fruits and vegetables regularly. Drinks that contain soda and alcohol are also mandatory for you to avoid.

7. End with dinner

As reviewed in tips for fast sleep, a good dinner is 4 hours before we sleep. After dinner, do not eat snacks or snacks again so that our stomach can rest and not digest food while sleeping. That way you will sleep soundly and also feel hungry when you wake up early so that it stimulates you to have breakfast.

If you sleep on an empty stomach the stomach will no longer digest food so that the body's energy will automatically be used to burn fat. In addition, the cell regeneration process will also take place perfectly if the body is not digesting food.

8. Try Eating Wheat

For most Indonesians, wheat is not a popular food because it is still inferior to rice. But we start trying to consume wheat which has many advantages. One of the benefits is that the body is not hungry quickly because wheat is a food that is consumed slowly.

In addition to filling, wheat also has a very high content of phytochemicals and antioxidants. Both substances are believed to be able to protect the body from various chronic diseases such as coronary heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. Wheat is also one of the recommended foods for the diet.

9. Choose Foods that Contain Good Fat

Although many are considered as the source of weight gain, some types of fat are actually good for health and can nourish the brain, heart, body cells, skin, and hair. Foods rich in Omega-3 fats with EPA and DHA types are very good for preventing heart disease, decreasing brain performance, and also improving mood.

These good fats are divided into two types, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated. Foods that contain monounsaturated include canola oil, peanut oil, olive oil, avocados, nuts, and seeds.

Whereas foods containing polyunsaturated have high Omega-3 and Omega-6 and are usually found in several types of fish such as salmon, herring, mackerel, anchovies, and sardines. Other food sources that contain polyunsaturated include sunflower, corn, soybeans and walnuts.

10. Consumption of Calcium for Strong Bones

In addition to the various foods above, don't forget about calcium to supplement your healthy diet. Calcium is a very important nutrient to keep the body healthy and strong. In addition, calcium can also strengthen bones in the body, whether male or female.

In addition to consuming high calcium foods, you are also advised to consume lots of foods that contain magnesium, vitamin D, and vitamin K. Quoted from helpguide.com, the three nutrients will help calcium carry out its duties.

The amount of calcium recommended for adults is 1000 mg per day. Whereas for those aged 50 years and over are recommended as many as 1200 grams per day. Food sources that have high calcium include:

  1. Milk: Various preparations of food sourced from milk have high calcium, such as milk, yogurt and cheese.
  2. Vegetables: Some types of vegetables are also a high source of calcium such as radishes, mustard greens, kale, romaine lettuce, celery, broccoli, fennel, cabbage, summer squash, green beans, Brussels sprouts, asparagus, and crimini mushrooms.
  3. Nuts: Nuts also have high calcium content such as black beans, pinto beans, kidney beans, white beans, peas, or baked beans.

That's a variety of easy steps that you can apply to a healthy diet. A healthy way of life is not difficult because everything comes from the food we consume every day. With a good diet, we will have a healthy body and be fit.

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